The 3 Simple Things that Finally Worked to Lose 20 Pounds After Failing for Years


Ever felt like you're on a never-ending roller coaster when it comes to losing weight? Yep, that was me – riding the ups and downs of yo-yo dieting, with those stubborn pounds clinging on like they owned the place. I know the struggle all too well, the constant battle where your scale seems more like a fickle frenemy than a reliable tool.

But guess what? I finally cracked the code. After what felt like a gazillion attempts, I managed to wave goodbye to 20 pounds and, more importantly, they haven't boomeranged back to me. It's not just about shedding weight; it's about finding ways to keep it off for the long haul and maintaining a sustainable and healthy way of eating. And don't worry, I'm not here to keep secrets. I'm spilling the beans on the 3 simple things that turned my health dreams into a reality:

In this blog post, I’m sharing the 3 simple things that allowed me to lose 20 pounds in 3 months and keep the weight off for good. I’ll be covering:

  • My unique health journey and how I lost 20 pounds in 3 months (and kept it off for good!)

  • The 3 simple things you can do to start losing weight

  • How to get started and ensure your success

Are you fed up with the weight loss merry-go-round? Ready for some real talk on effective weight loss solutions? Stick around as I dive deep into these game-changing methods that helped me level up my health and send those extra pounds packing for good.

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How I Lost 20 Pounds in 3 Months and Have Kept It Off For Good

I have had a rocky relationship with food.

As a teenager and young adult, I struggled with yo-yo dieting. After a supposed “quick fix” diet failed to work, I would go off the deep end, say “screw it,” and eat an entire pizza in one sitting. I had no balance - I would over-eat one day and restrict my eating the next day to compensate.

When I got married at 19 years old, I was very thin. At the time I was eating just 400 calories a day and was starting to experience major health problems because I was obsessed with being thin. My husband noticed how little I was eating and encouraged me to start eating more.  This inevitably caused me to gain weight, but while I may have been eating more, I was not eating healthier.

As I had in the past, I went from over-restricting my eating to eating foods high in sugar and processed ingredients. While I attempted to eat “healthy” by enjoying eggs and toast in the morning and a salad (with store-bought dressing with lots of sugar) for lunch, my morning also included a Grande Caramel Macchiato packed full of sugar.

I tried to combat my weight gain with excessive exercise at the gym. While I did lose some of the extra weight and had a more healthy figure, I was far from healthy. Additionally, I continued to struggle with unhealthy skin, low energy levels, and extreme joint pain.

By the time I was 21, I was experiencing constant and extreme joint pain, depression, brain fog, blood sugar highs and lows, and extreme fatigue every day. These were symptoms that had become a part of my every day and were something that I thought I would always have to live with.

Fast forward to the fall of 2020. I had been doing a lot of research on how our diet affects our health and learned the incredible benefits of eating a whole-food, Mediterranean-based “diet.” I started applying the things I learned to my own eating habits, and I immediately saw great results!

I started tracking my food and calorie intake to make sure I was eating enough, developed a yoga routine for fun movement and stress relief, and ate a Mediterranean-based diet and saw the weight come off almost effortlessly. My mood also drastically improved, my skin cleared up, my blood sugar balanced out, my joints stopped aching, and my energy levels skyrocketed! The transformation was truly incredible.

I share my story with you to let you know that you are not alone. Though I was “only” in my twenties when all these ailments developed, I experienced significant health issues that many people experience in their thirties, forties, fifties, and so on.

My goal for you is to experience these same incredible results and to reach your health goals in a healthy and sustainable way. The following article further highlights exactly what I have learned through my own health journey, how you can implement the lessons for yourself, and how to keep the weight off for good.

The 3 Simple Things That Finally Worked to Lose 20 Pounds After Failing for Years

The three things that finally worked for me to regain my health and lose 20 pounds in just 3 months include:

  1. Figuring out my unique caloric needs for each day

  2. Adjusting my macros to eat a moderate protein, high fat, low(er) carb diet

  3. Eating a Mediterranean-based diet

Ready to get started? I’m going to show you how to do these very things and be successful in reaching your unique health goals.

And if you are ready to go ALL IN on your health journey today (with my support!), check out the 30-Day Mediterranean Meal Plan I created to help you reach your health goals in a balanced and sustainable way.

How to Get Started and Ensure Your Success

I want you to be successful in your journey and not be as frustrated as I felt. I want you to find success and reach your health and weight loss goals. I am here for you, and I am going to show you exactly how to get started.

Step 1: Figure Out Your Unique Calorie & Macro Goals

When it comes to achieving sustainable weight loss and overall well-being, setting personalized calorie targets and optimizing macronutrient ratios play a pivotal role in tailoring your nutrition approach to your body's specific needs. For me, this involved embracing the principles of a Mediterranean-based diet while customizing my caloric goals and adjusting my macros to support my weight loss journey.

The Importance of Personalized Nutrition

Understanding the significance of personalized nutrition allowed me to move beyond generic diet plans and truly cater to what my body required for effective weight management. By determining my unique caloric needs, I was able to establish a realistic and sustainable target for daily energy intake, which ultimately supported my weight loss goals without compromising my overall health.

Optimizing Macronutrient Ratios

In addition to personalized calorie targets, adjusting macronutrient ratios was a game-changer in refining my dietary approach. Focusing on moderate protein, high fat, and low carb consumption aligned with the core principles of the Mediterranean-based diet while promoting satiety and steady energy levels throughout the day. This strategic balance of macronutrients not only supported my weight loss efforts but also contributed to an overall improvement in my well-being.

I show you exactly how to figure out your unique calorie and macro needs in my blog post How to Calculate Your Macros.

Step 2: Use a Diary To Monitor Daily Food Intake

Once you know your unique calorie and macro goals, the next step is to keep track of them each day. Monitoring daily food intake and ensuring alignment with my personalized caloric goals and adjusted macros became significantly more manageable through the use of a popular nutrition tracking app like MyFitnessPal. This tool empowered me to stay mindful of my nutritional choices, track my progress, and make informed adjustments as needed. By leveraging technology in this manner, I gained valuable insights into how different foods impacted my overall caloric intake and macronutrient distribution, allowing me to make more conscious decisions in line with my goals.

By emphasizing the importance of setting unique caloric goals, optimizing macronutrient ratios, and utilizing nutrition tracking apps for support, I was able to achieve sustainable weight loss results while prioritizing long-term well-being. I show you how to create a free MyFitness Pal account and set up your calorie/macro goals in my post How to Count Calories and Macros Using MyFitness Pal.

Step 3: Eat a Mediterranean-Based Diet

Diving into the heart of my transformation, let's talk about the Mediterranean diet. This isn't just a diet; it's a way of life that includes diverse foods that are as good for your waistline as they are for your heart, brain, and mood. Here’s why it’s such a winner:

  1. Rich in fruits and vegetables: These natural goodies are low in calories but high in nutrients and fiber, which means they fill you up without weighing you down.

  2. Healthy fats: Think olive oil, nuts, and avocados. These aren't just tasty; they help keep you satisfied and can curb overeating.

  3. Whole grains: These are the carbs you shouldn't fear. They digest slowly, thereby preventing spikes in blood sugar that can lead to hunger pangs.

  4. Lean proteins: From fish to legumes, these building blocks help repair and maintain muscle mass, making them crucial for a metabolism that's functioning at its very best.

It’s not just about what you eat but also how you eat. The Mediterranean way encourages enjoying meals with others and taking pleasure in each bite, which leads to mindful eating—a key player in weight management.

By melding these principles with my daily habits, weight loss became an enjoyable journey rather than a grueling battle. Next up, I'll dive into how real, whole foods were not just a part of my diet but the cornerstone of my newfound vitality.

Embracing Real, Whole Foods

Let's dive right into the heart of my transformation: swapping out processed foods for a rainbow of real, whole foods that Mother Nature kindly provides. Picture the Mediterranean diet food pyramid—fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, and seeds reigning at the base, with fish and lean meats just above. That visual became my grocery list, steering me away from the inner aisles of supermarkets where packaged goods lurk, and toward the vibrant perimeter where fresh produce abounds.

Shifting to Unprocessed Ingredients

My journey started by embracing foods as close to their natural state as possible. I started reaching for:

  • Fresh fruits like apples and berries over sugary snacks

  • A variety of vegetables, both raw and cooked, instead of fast food

  • Whole grains such as quinoa and brown rice in place of white bread

  • Quality sources of protein like fish and legumes

The Unexpected Perks

The benefits of whole foods stretched far beyond weight loss. I noticed:

  • Digestion was no longer a daily battle; fiber-rich whole foods helped keep things moving smoothly.

  • Energy levels skyrocketed. With fewer sugar crashes from processed foods, my vitality was consistent throughout the day.

  • Skin clarity improved—hello natural glow!

Meal planning is your best friend when it comes to incorporating more whole foods into your diet. Here's how I do it:

  1. Set aside time each week to plan out your meals—consistency is key!

  2. Choose recipes based on the Mediterranean diet food pyramid—this ensures a variety of nutrients and flavors.

  3. Prep in batches—cook grains or chop veggies in advance to save time during busy weekdays.

By focusing on these elements, my approach to eating shifted from calorie-counting obsessions to relishing the abundance of choices nature offers. This wasn't just about shedding pounds; it was about fostering a sustainable lifestyle brimming with wholesome goodness.

If you are ready to take the step towards living a healthier life and reaching your health and weight loss goals, check out my 30-Day Mediterranean Meal Plan, designed to help you reach your goals in a simple, healthy, delicious way.

Additionally, these articles from Beyond the Brambleberry can help you get started on your health journey:

Bonus Tip: Sustain Long-Term Success with Mindful Eating Habits

We've all been there… Halfway through a meal and suddenly realizing you don't remember eating half of it. This is where mindful eating comes into play.

Mindful eating is about paying attention to every aspect of your food and the act of eating it. It's about appreciating the color, texture, and flavor of the food on your plate. It's also about listening to your body's hunger cues and knowing when you're satisfied, not just full.

Mindful eating played a significant role in my weight loss journey. It helped me control portions and manage emotional triggers that often led to overeating. But more than that, it allowed me to develop a healthier relationship with food.

Embrace a Mindful Approach to Eating

How did I do it? Here are some techniques that worked for me:

  • Mindful Chewing: This involves chewing each bite thoroughly before swallowing. Not only does this help in better digestion but it also allows you to really taste your food.

  • Using All Senses: Engage all of your senses while eating. Look at your food, touch it, smell it, listen to the sounds it makes while you chew and, of course, taste every single bite.

  • Eating Slowly: This gives your body time to send satiety signals to your brain before you overeat.

  • Pausing Before Eating: Take a moment before eating to express gratitude for your meal. This can make the experience more enjoyable and satisfying.

Implementing these strategies was not an overnight process - I had to consciously remind myself to slow down, chew thoroughly and appreciate my meals. But over time, these habits became second nature.

The Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

Mindful eating brought about unexpected benefits beyond just weight loss:

  1. Reduced Cravings: By paying attention to what I was eating, I noticed that my cravings for unhealthy foods diminished.

  2. Improved Digestion: Slower eating and thorough chewing help in better digestion and nutrient absorption.

  3. Stress Management: Eating mindfully helped me manage stress more effectively. The act of focusing on the food and the act of eating can be very calming and therapeutic.

I know it might seem a bit intimidating to add another 'task' to your already busy day, but trust me, it's worth it. You don't have to do it perfectly from day one, just start by trying one technique at a time and you'll soon notice the difference. So next time you sit down for a meal, try to really savor every bite - your body (and your waistline) will thank you!

Embarking on a new eating pattern can be overwhelming, but with my 30-Day Mediterranean Meal Plan at your side, you can dive in with confidence. This comprehensive guide is more than just a book description; it's a treasure trove of culinary inspiration with over 80 recipes that adhere to the heart-healthy principles of the Mediterranean diet. Each recipe is designed not only to deliver mouthwatering flavor but also to promote satiety and health benefits, aligning perfectly with your weight loss goals. Embrace this variety-packed meal plan for a day or a month; either way, you're in for a delicious journey to better health.


I hope you're feeling inspired and motivated to take action on your weight loss journey. Remember, successful weight loss is not about quick fixes or restrictive diets; it's about making sustainable changes that you can maintain for the long term.

But let me be clear: it wasn't always easy. It took patience, consistency, and a willingness to listen to my body's needs. There were days when I stumbled or felt frustrated, but I kept going because I knew that this was a sustainable approach that would benefit not just my weight loss goals but also my overall health and well-being.

So if you're ready to break free from the cycle of weight loss failure and discover a lifestyle that nourishes your body and mind, I invite you to join me on this journey. Embrace the power of the Mediterranean lifestyle with its focus on real, whole foods, balanced nutrition, and mindful eating - as a sustainable path towards improved health and well-being. You have the power to transform your life and achieve the healthy, vibrant body you deserve.

Start Eating Healthy with the Mediterranean Diet

If the Mediterranean diet is very different from how you have been eating, I HIGHLY recommend you follow a meal plan that has already been designed to help you be successful and quickly see results. The 30-Day Mediterranean Meal Plan I created includes everything you need to get started on the Mediterranean diet. It includes over 80 easy and delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks that you can simply follow along to and enjoy all the delicious flavors that come with the Mediterranean diet.

Once I learned how to eat a balanced Mediterranean diet, I quickly saw great results! By understanding what my body needed each day, I was able to set myself up for success and have maintained this healthy lifestyle for almost 3 years.

I want this for you too! If you are ready to fully benefit from the Mediterranean diet, I urge you to get started with my 30-day meal plan now while it’s the lowest price it will ever be! Click here to get started.

Choosing the right foods makes all the difference in how you feel. Even if you’re not yet ready to go all in, I have something that will help you make a step towards eating healthy and reaping the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet. Download my Top 10 Must-Try Mediterranean Diet Recipes ebook by using the form below to get instant access to this valuable resource. I have also included a Mediterranean Diet Shopping List to help you get started.

Get Your FREE ebook: Top 10 Must-Try Mediterranean Diet Recipes + A Free Shopping List

I have also put together a resource library containing my top recommended books, kitchen must-haves, supplements to support your health, and more! Click here to check it out! 

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